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Tomaž Verbič, PhD

Research Fellow

01 4706 376

In the 1990s, and early in the present century, I became more involved in Quaternary sediments and neotectonics in the context of the seismic risk assessment at the Krško NPP site. As a geologist and geophysicist for over 25 years, I have been involved in archeological investigations, at more than 250 sites throughout Slovenia. In addition, I was involved in Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology, as well as geological mapping and shallow geophysics in various areas.

Andrič M, Verbič T, Lomax J, Tolar T (2017) Človekov vpliv na okolje v prazgodovini : primer z obrežja Ljubljanice pri Špici (Ljubljana) = Embankment of the Ljubljanica River at Špica (Ljubljana) and human impact on the environment in late prehistory. Arheološki vestnik 68: 479-498

Erič M, Gaspari A, Čufar K, Solina F, Verbič T (2014) Zgodnjerimska ladja iz Ljubljanice pri Sinji Gorici = Early Roman barge from the Ljubljanica River at Sinja Gorica. Arheološki vestnik 65: 187-254

Verbič T (2011) The sedimentary environment in the Ljubljansko barje basin during the pile-dwelling period = Sedimentacijsko okolje na Ljubljanskem barju v času kolišč. Arheološki vestnik 62: 83-109

Bavec M, Verbič T (2011) Glacial history of Slovenia. V: Ehlers J, Gibbard PL, Huges PD (ed) Quaternary glaciations - extent and chronology : a closer look. Elsevier, Developments in quaternary science 15: 385-392

Verbič T (2006) Aktivni reverzni prelomi med Ljubljano in Kranjem = Quaternary-active reverse faults between Ljubljana and Kranj, central Slovenia. Razprave IV, razreda SAZU 47: 101-132

Verbič T (2005) Stratigrafija kvartarja in neotektonika vzhodnega dela Krške kotline. 2. del: Neotektonika = Quaternary stratigraphy and neotectonics of the Eastern Krško Basin. Part 2: Neotectonics. Razprave IV, razreda SAZU 46: 171-216

Bavec M, Verbič T (2004) The extent of Quaternary glaciations in Slovenia. V: Ehlers J, Gibbard PL (ed) Quaternary glaciations : extent and chronology. Elsevier, Developments in quaternary science 2/1: 385-388

Verbič T (2004) Stratigrafija kvartarja in neotektonika vzhodnega dela Krške kotline. 1. del: Stratigrafija = Quaternary stratigraphy and neotectonics of the Eastern Krško Basin. Part 1: Stratigraphy. Razprave IV, razreda SAZU 45: 171-225

Verbič T, Gabrovec M (2002) Georadarske meritve na Triglavskem ledeniku. Geografski vestnik 74: 25-42


B.Sc. – 1988 University of Ljubljana
M.Sc. – 1991 University of Ljubljana
Ph.D. – 2008 University of Ljubljana


1988–1995: Department of Geology, University of Ljubljana

1996–2005: Private Researcher and Tetida d.o.o.

2006–2009: Department of Geology, University of Ljubljana

2009–2019: Arhej d.o.o. and sole proprietor

2019–: ZRC SAZU, Arhej d.o.o. and sole proprietor

near surface geophysics
geological mapping
Quaternary sedimentary environments