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Duje Kukoč

Research Assistant
Junior Researcher

(01) 4706 369

Graduated in geology in 2008 at Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. Since 2009 employed as research assistant at Ivan Rakovec Institute of Paleontology ZRC SAZU and is enrolled in PhD programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana. For his PhD thesis he is studying Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy of deep-water basins in the Dinarides. So far he has studied the Bled Basin in north-western Slovenia and Guevgueli ophiolite complex in Macedonia.

Goričan, Š., Košir, A., Rožič, B., Šmuc, A., Gale, L., Kukoč. D., Celarc, B., Črne, A.E., Kolar-Jurkovšek, T., Placer, L., Skaberne, D. 2012: Mesozoic deep-water basins of eastern Southern Alps (NW Slovenia).- Journal of Alpine Geology, 54, 101-143. (PDF)

KUKOČ, D., GORIČAN, Š., and KOŠIR, A. 2012, Lower Cretaceous carbonate gravity-flow deposits from the Bohinj area (NW Slovenia): evidence of a lost carbonate platform in the Internal Dinarides: Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, v. 183, p. 383-392.(PDF)

MARTINUŠ, M., BUCKOVIĆ, D., KUKOČ, D. 2012: Discontinuity surfaces recorded in shallow-marine platform carbonates : an example from the Early Jurassic of the Velebit Mt. (Croatia). Facies, 58, 649-669. 

KUKOČ, D., GORIČAN, Š., KOŠIR, A., BELAK, M., HALAMIĆ, J., HRVATOVIĆ, H. 2011: Starost bazaltov in razvoj karbonatne platforme  v Gevgelijskem ofiolitnem kompleksu pri Demir Kapiji (Makedonija). Geološki zbornik 21: 71-73.

BUCKOVIĆ, D., MARTINUŠ, M., KUKOČ, D., CVETKO TEŠOVIĆ, B., GUŠIĆ, I. 2010: High-frequency sea-level changes recorded in deep-water carbonates of the Upper Cretaceous Dol Formation (island of Brač, Croatia). Geol. Carpath. 61, 1, 29-38.

DRAGIČEVIĆ, I., ŠEGVIĆ, B., KUKOČ, D., VRANJKOVIĆ, A., GORIČAN, Š. 2010: Postaja 3 - Stop 3 : profil Papratnica - cross-section Papratnica : ofiolitni melanž - ophiolitic mélange. V: Vodič ekskurzija. Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut, 35-40.

KUKOČ, D., GORIČAN, Š., KOŠIR, A. 2010: Radiolarian dating of Lower Cretaceous carbonate gravity-flow deposits from Bohinj area (NW Slovenia): significance for reconstruction of a lost carbonate platform in the Internal Dinarides. V: CHATZIPETROS, A. (ur.), MELFOS, V. (ur.), MARCHEV, P. (ur.), LAKOVA, I. (ur.). Abstracts volume, (Geologica Balcanica, Vol. 39, no. 1/2). Sofia: Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

KUKOČ, D2008: Procjena dubine valne baze na temelju granulometrijskih karakteristika sedimenata : diplomski rad. Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb,  pp. 47.
