Sample Preparation Lab
Sample Preparation Lab
01 4706 368 ali 4706 341
[Filip Litera]
- Logitech PM5 system for Thin Section manufacturing
- Hillquist Thin Section Machine for cutting and thinning specimens
- WOCO-50 cutting and thinning machine for specimens
- Buehler IsoMet® Low Speed Saw for precision cutting
- Struers Epovac vacuum impregnation chamber with pump
- Stuart Digital Hot Plate SD300 heating plate
- Comet diamond circular saw with open water cooling system for coarse sample cutting
- Lortone TS10 diamond circular saw with closed cooling system for water-sensitive sample cutting
- Battipav Expert 400 mobile saw with large diameter diamond blades (400 mm) for cutting large samples
- W. Conrad grinding/polishing spindle
- Fritsch Pulverisette 0 vibratory ball mill
- Chicago Pneumatic micro grinder
- VoKa-Tom dental drill device
- Sartorius precision scale
- Iskra PIO 4 ultrasonic bath
- 2 fume hoods and a micro fume hood with extraction arm
- 3 sterilizers/dryers
- Ceccato (200 dm3, 10 bar) with air dryer